ecoEat Edible Armor Tail Scorpions



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It’s not only C-list celebrities that get to munch on dodgy-looking critters in a jungle-based TV delight! Now you too can dare your mates to crunch on beasties and savour the unique flavours of our dry-dwelling friends (you might still need a few potted plants and some steam from the kettle to fully recreate the atmosphere).

These arachnids have been cooked and dried and are perfectly safe to eat (but you don’t have to tell your mates that). The perfect injection (see what we did there?) of high protein for an otherwise bug-free (and shamefully tame) diet.

Beats the pants off those dry roasted peanuts!

Each can contains 2 dehydrated scorpions (Mesobuthus martensii – Chinese armour tail scorpions), which have been cooked, dried and packaged up in a tin with oxygen and moisture absorbers for your enjoyment.

Please beware the scorpions are fragile and may break during transit. You accept this risk when purchasing. This however will not affect the taste or enjoyment of eating them.

Dehydrated scorpions (Mesobuthus martensii – Chinese armour tail scorpions), Salt

2x real edible armor tail scorpions – boiled and dehydrated for freshness.

Edible insects are a perfect way to expose students to different cultures around the planet. All of our insect candy and snacks are made with great care, using only completely edible Farm-raised insects that makes it a great and delicious gift.

Edible armor tail scorpions are a classic Thai snack without any coloring or preservatives. Edible armor tail scorpions contain nutritional content that can be a great source of protein, fat and energy.

We carefully process our edible insects with dehydration to ensure that they last for up to 12 months such that they’re fresh and tasty when you received them.